Did you ever hear the one about Mariana and the Horse?

One day a year or so ago, Mariana was passing through a small farming town and she stopped at a bar for a drink.

Sitting on the bar is a big fishbowl full of money with a sign next to it that reads "Make the horse laugh to win the money in the bowl. $5 entry fee" Through the back door she can see the horse standing in it's stall out back.

Well Mariana throws a five dollar bill in the bowl and walks out back to the horse. She looks the horse up and down for a few minutes, then she whispers in the horse's ear. The horse looks at her and busts out laughing. And keeps laughing. Mariana walks back into the bar, collects her winnings from the barman, who's jaw has hit the bar, finishes her drink and leaves.

About 8 months later she's passing through the town again and once more stops in at the bar. The horse out back is still laughing, the fishbowl is again filled with money, but now the sign reads "Make the horse cry to win the money in the bowl. $5 entry fee".

Once more Mariana throws a five into the bowl and walks back to the horse. She whispers something into his ear. While still laughing the horse nods his head. She does something in front of her and suddenly the horse starts to cry his eyes out.

She walks back into the bar and as she collects her winnings says to the bartender, "You can put the bowl away now. That horse is never gonna stop crying."

"Look, Honey," the Bartender replies, "I gotta know, who are you and what did you say to that horse?"

"Well my name is Mariana Cordoba. The last time I was here I told him that I was a shemale porn star and that I had a bigger cock than he did," then Mariana smiled a wicked little smile at the barman before finishing, "this time I proved it."